Hello There

My name is Joshua Choma.

I'm a professional tutor and teacher. I’ve taught communications, English, and critical reading at colleges and universities across Rhode Island since 2010. I began tutoring professionally in 2012 and love helping students learn.

Having worked in education for nearly a decade, I empathize completely with the pressure and stress that so often accompany the learning process. But I’m confident that any and every student can benefit from individualized support while navigating high school, college, and beyond.

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How can I help you?

I work with students individually via online video sessions to assist with study skills and academic coursework.

I work one-on-one with students to help them improve their skills in a variety of areas, from course-specific material to general study strategies.

Contact Josh

Tutoring Hours

Why hire me?

Improve your all-around learning.

Streamline Your Study Skills

Learn how to work smart, not hard, when studying.

Unlimited Communication

I offer unlimited email, voice, and text support Monday through Friday (and on weekends as needed).

Get Organized

Organization is key, especially when preparing for a big exam or juggling different due dates.

Improve Time Management

Stop feeling rushed and start feeling ready to balance obligations in and outside of school.

Take Better Notes

Learn how to take effective, organized notes that you'll understand later.

Prepare Better for Tests

When the test day arrives, go in feeling prepared and confident.

Trusted by students with a variety of learning needs

Join a community of students who are taking control of their studies and discovering how to learn more efficiently.